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Family Law


How Are the Best Interests of the Child Determined?

August 17, 2024
Custody disputes and agreements can be incredibly stressful for everyone involved. In an ideal situation, the adults are amicable and respectful of each other while always considering what is best for the children. When your child’s other parent is unable to agree on options that meet these criteria, you may seek additional support from...
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What Does Irreconcilable Differences Mean in a Divorce? 

July 18, 2024
Relationships are complicated, especially when a marriage is being dissolved. Most people are familiar with the idea of ‘grounds for divorce’ without completely knowing what it means. At the Law Office of Vivien F Stark PC, we know that each divorce situation is unique. While irreconcilable differences may fit many situations without extreme conflict,...
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Filing Taxes After Divorce

July 18, 2024
Taxes can be stressful even when you feel like you have the rest of your life together. When you add in the stress of divorce, thinking about how to approach taxes can feel insurmountable. This may be something to discuss with your New York City divorce attorney. When you work with Vivien F Stark...
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Do I Need a Lawyer for My Divorce? 

April 22, 2024
A very common question for many people considering divorce is whether they need an attorney. The answer to this depends on the circumstances in your case and whether or not you have children or significant assets that must be distributed. In our experience, the best way to learn about the benefits or need for...
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How to Change Your Name During or After a Divorce 

April 18, 2024
Individuals who are filing for divorce or who have completed the process may wish to change their name. If you would like to do so, there are several steps to take in New York. This is a legal process that our divorce attorney can help you with if you would like to streamline the...
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What is the Difference Between Divorce, Dissolution and Legal Separation?

October 25, 2023
Many decisions must be considered when a marriage becomes a challenge. The reasons for this shift in relationship are innumerable for an individual, but under the law, an individual must meet specific requirements. And there are choices when partners are not entirely ready to end it all. Making decisions concerning a New York City divorce is...
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Tips for Navigating a High-Asset Divorce

October 10, 2023
Divorce is stressful, and uncertainty of the future can lead to overwhelm. Significant assets in a marriage may exist, complicating an already tense situation. How they will be divided is often unclear. Ensuring the guidance you receive to navigate a New York high-net-worth divorce is sound and unrelenting will help secure the most favorable outcome to...
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How Assets are Divided in New York 

September 25, 2023
When couples decide to divorce, it is natural for thoughts to turn to what each person will keep or retain after the dissolution is final. Each state determines how it will divide assets in a divorce, and New York uses an equitable distribution system. But what does this mean? Property Classification Property is classified...
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