Is There a Waiting Period for a Divorce in New York?
While New York does not have a waiting period for a divorce, there are requirements that spouses must meet before a court grants final divorce orders. To ensure your New York divorce proceeds in a timely manner, review the following and secure the help of an experienced New York divorce attorney to aid you...
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How to Win a Divorce Case: 5 Tactics from a NY Attorney
Not all divorces are solved amicably. However, coming to divorce negotiations prepared can make the process run more smoothly and improve your chances of meeting your divorce goals. Preparation is also the key to successful divorce litigation. The following tactics are recommended by some of New York’s top divorce attorneys and should be considered...
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How Long Does a Divorce Take in New York?
Getting a divorce is stressful, and no one wants a divorce to take longer than necessary. However, several factors determine the time the divorce process takes in New York. Before moving forward with your divorce filing, take a moment to ensure you qualify to file your divorce proceeding in New York. Then read on...
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What Not to Do During a Divorce in New York
Your divorce attorney is more than a source of valuable information about the divorce process and laws regarding the division of marital assets and child custody in your state. They are also advocates and guides who can provide you with standards to live by while preparing for and getting through your divorce. There are...
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Are NY Divorce Records Public?
Privacy issues have never been more of a concern than they are today. We all hope that our personal matters are kept private, but are they? When it comes to divorce records, the answer is yes and no. While it’s true that they aren’t public (assuming you’re not a celebrity whose divorce winds up...
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Cohabitation Agreements in New York
If you and your partner are considering moving in together or are already living together and planning to continue doing so, you may wish to explore the idea of legal cohabitation. A cohabitation agreement is a legal document that you and your partner may collaborate on and eventually sign with the purpose of protecting...
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Legally Separated Before Divorce in New York
Do I Need a Legal Separation Before Divorcing in New York? New York is one of several states that recognizes and grants legal separations to married couples. A legal separation is not a divorce, but many of the issues you would resolve in a divorce are also addressed in legal separations, such as equitable...
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5 Financial Mistakes to Avoid During NY Divorce
Sometimes the best decision that can be made in a relationship is to end it. If you and your spouse have decided to get a divorce, you will be faced with decisions that have the potential to affect your financial security. Here are five common financial mistakes made during divorce, and how to avoid...
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