Is There a Waiting Period for a Divorce in New York?
While New York does not have a waiting period for a divorce, there are requirements that spouses must meet before a court grants final divorce orders. To ensure your New York divorce proceeds in a timely manner, review the following and secure the help of an experienced New York divorce attorney to aid you...
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How to Win a Divorce Case: 5 Tactics from a NY Attorney
Not all divorces are solved amicably. However, coming to divorce negotiations prepared can make the process run more smoothly and improve your chances of meeting your divorce goals. Preparation is also the key to successful divorce litigation. The following tactics are recommended by some of New York’s top divorce attorneys and should be considered...
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Can I Change Custody Attorneys in the Middle of a Child Custody Battle?
Changing custody attorneys is ultimately your decision or yours and your attorney’s mutually agreed decision at any time in your child custody case. Whether you should do so rests on your reasons for making the change, especially if you are in the midst of a heated child custody dispute. Before making any decisions, consider...
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How Does Domestic Violence Affect Child Custody in New York City?
Domestic violence can affect the outcome of a child custody case in New York. Just what impact domestic violence has on child custody is determined on a case-by-case basis by the family court judge. The following is an overview of domestic violence and orders of protection in New York child custody cases and a...
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How Long Does a Divorce Take in New York?
Getting a divorce is stressful, and no one wants a divorce to take longer than necessary. However, several factors determine the time the divorce process takes in New York. Before moving forward with your divorce filing, take a moment to ensure you qualify to file your divorce proceeding in New York. Then read on...
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Child Support Across State Lines
Do I still have to pay child support if the custodial parent moves to another state where the age of emancipation is lower than 21? In New York, parents ordered to pay child support must continue to do so until the child turns twenty-one or becomes legally emancipated (getting married, joining the armed services...
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What Not to Do During a Divorce in New York
Your divorce attorney is more than a source of valuable information about the divorce process and laws regarding the division of marital assets and child custody in your state. They are also advocates and guides who can provide you with standards to live by while preparing for and getting through your divorce. There are...
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Child Support Rules for Military Families
While the federal government requires U.S. military service members and veterans to pay child support for their custodial and non-custodial children, these federal regulations do not override individual state rules regarding child support. Instead, they serve to enforce these laws by ensuring service members’ compliance with making their child support payments. The federal government also...
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